Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why do schools block myspace?

Because MySpace has no educational value, only very limited social value. You're not in school to socialize on the computer, but to be educated. MySpace has no higher relevance than porn in schools.

Why do schools block myspace?

I agree with Dave T.

You're in school to learn and have real social interaction. MySpace provides neither.

Why do schools block myspace?

People pay taxes for kids to go to school and learn, not surf the web socializing. Kids are in school to try and become a productive member of society once they graduate, not be experts on myspace.

Why do schools block myspace?

I also agree with Dave T. You are in school to learn, not to socialize via internet. My work, among many other work establishments, blocks myspace for what i'm assuming is the same reason. You have your school/work time, then afterwards you have play time/myspace time. I think it's a fair trade.

Why do schools block myspace?

i agree with the person above to an extent. sites like myspace and bebo have no place in schools. in my school they have gone a step too far and have blocked hotmail too!

i have been told that all schools in the country (uk) now block hotmail. myspace may fall under that educational law too.

i think the people above should get off their pedestal. i went on work experiance to a big insurance company. they spent so much time around with emails and game sites. its human nature to mess around, not just children

Why do schools block myspace?

Maybe because you should be doing school related things NOT blogging on Myspace.

Why do schools block myspace?

b/c it has very little social redeeming value and it does not promote nor advocate advancement of education.

you use it, you already know that!

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