Sunday, December 6, 2009

Are schools allowed to track and expel Myspace-using students?

My school is doing a search on Myspace users and is punishing the students after a few students got into a fight due to it. Is this allowed or even reasonable? I don't think this is fair as the whole school has to pay for the actions of a few.

Are schools allowed to track and expel Myspace-using students?

It's not fair at all, in fact that's a bit communistic in my opinion. I agree that myspace can be a very dangerous website because kids share way too much information there. All you have to do is read the national papers online and you'll see some kid that got kid napped because he or she was using myspace. It's not always the kids fault however, parents need to educate their children about myspace and the internet in general. There are some very bad people on that website, convicted felons acting like kids, so be very careful what you say because you never know who sees your profile, especially if it's public!

Even so, I do not feel that any school or any other public institution has the right to regulate what you can and cannot look at or use simply based on a fight. Now if it posed a threat to their network due to viruses, hackers, and so forth then I could understand.

Just be very careful what you put on your profile, even though you may feel that the only people that will see it are your friends. Bad people are every where!!!

Are schools allowed to track and expel Myspace-using students?

I know it sucks, but believe it or not, you're not the only people.

I 'm suscribed to Seventeen Magizene and one story was a student from Blah-Blah College School was expelled from school because his MySpace page said he was homosexual/gay/something else. I know it souds tough, but a lot of schools are doing that. Geez! I guess adults (or teachers in this case) won't let us kids have privacy!!!

Are schools allowed to track and expel Myspace-using students?

i thought it was against the law to do that. the school cannot interfere with the students personal lives., well at least that how it is were i am

Are schools allowed to track and expel Myspace-using students?

yeah its true. if something serious really happens, like a fight, or like talking bad about the authority at school. my school kept track of us, cuz someone posted something bad about a teacher, and was a cyber-bully to everyone on myspace.

Are schools allowed to track and expel Myspace-using students?

they can threten to...

but theres realy no way they can

thats ur personal life outside of school...

so unless ur putting a bomb threat, they cant,

and if they do, wut would they possibly expel you for? saing i hate mrs/mr so-an-so

as long as u dont put bomb threats or test answers they shouldnt

take'em to court if they try... wut do u think the court will say.. its outside of school... they cant

Are schools allowed to track and expel Myspace-using students?

if you're not doing myspace on the school pc's what the hell business is it of theirs? before and after school hours is your own business and I would fight them on it. thats invading your privacy!!!!

Are schools allowed to track and expel Myspace-using students?


Are schools allowed to track and expel Myspace-using students?

no thats not fair at all. haha sorry.

Are schools allowed to track and expel Myspace-using students?

I don't think school officials spend all day searching Myspace for students. There was a high school not far from me where students posted pictures of themselves drinking at a party. And school officials found out about it. They were suspended from sports(if they were playing) and police issued tickets for underage drinking.

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