Sunday, December 6, 2009

How do i get past the school's internet blocks?

plz no negative answers only helpful ones. i only use the computer in class during free time i DO complete my work first. my school blocks everything myspace,youtube, and even kiddy sites.

How do i get past the school's internet blocks?

Do homeworks and when you go home you can use the computer.

They block you for a reason because they don't want people to get the computer infected with spywares.

How do i get past the school's internet blocks?

Try some of these proxy servers (proxy is a system that unblocks all blocked sites)

Hope this helps :)

How do i get past the school's internet blocks?

I remember I used to just ping websites and use the IP as the address and that worked. Or sent myself a link to my school email. Our security sucked.

How do i get past the school's internet blocks?

All computers are blocked, also in my school, but I get pass through Y! Messenger for the web. You must have the administrators username and password or use a proxy (actually I tried that before, doesn't work).

How do i get past the school's internet blocks?

Go to a proxy like,, etc. if they are blocked too just google "proxy" theres hundreds of them. And if it won't let you google the word "proxy" change the word "proxy" in the url of the google search to "prox%79" or something like that using the ascii code. Hope that helps. The content block is ridiculus, it once prevented me from getting pics of gilGAMESh cause it had the word "games" in it.

EDIT: Also try a site called "domain dossier", you can use it to look up the IP address based on the domain name and then enter the IP address into your address bar like you would "" or whatever.

How do i get past the school's internet blocks?

Join the best proxy group to always receive the newest proxies in your inbox !

Use one listed over there


How do i get past the school's internet blocks?

It doesn't matter is you have all your school work done before using the computers. Circumventing Internet access control systems with web proxies to access unauthorized web sites is a violation of school computer usage policy. You will get suspended and/or banned from using school computers when you get caught. Use school computers for school work, and the personal web surfing can wait until you get home. Do you really want your teachers and school administrators knowing what websites you are visiting anyways?

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