I am trying to go to myspace on my schools computer. Please tell me if there are any ways you know how to get past sonic wall. Thank you.
How do you get past sonic wall on a school computer?
you need the "s" after http its for security stuff
megaproxy is a great proxy site but unless your registered then u wont be able to login to any thing. i think the best one would be the last two. but if your school blocks these proxies then try putting a "s" after the http.
How do you get past sonic wall on a school computer?
Stop trying to get on MySpace and do your schoolwork. Your social life can wait until you get home.
How do you get past sonic wall on a school computer?
You cant. See, the thing is, the school does not want you to go to myspace. So if you violate that rule and try to get past the firewall, you are breaking the rules. Now, I know rules dont mean anything to kids today, however, there are consequences. If you somehow manage to get on to myspace, the school will know. And you will lose your computer privelages. If it was up to me, I would expel you alse.
How do you get past sonic wall on a school computer?
since the other ppl are being tight.. :p
How do you get past sonic wall on a school computer?
Unless you crack/hack into the Sonicwall firewall appliance, which is located in the server room of your IT department, you have absolutely ZERO chance to go beyond what the IT department allows as traffic inbound and outbound.
You can use proxys, and it's fine you will get to the front page of myspace, minus some graphics and the whole natural look of the webpage, but as soon as you click on login, you will get a Screen telling you you are not authorized to access this page. Your attempts has been logged by the IT dpt.
I would advise you to just focus on studying or anything else but trying to go past your IT dpt. Their job is to stay one or 2 steps ahead of hackers from all around the world, so believe me they are way ahead of their own users, aka students.
How do you get past sonic wall on a school computer?
Keep at it and worry about your social life more than schoolwork. While you are at it text in school and when you get home do your homework really fast and get back to your social life.
Then when or if you get to college (where the real fun begins) and wonder why other people get the material easier and have more time for fun than studying. Then wonder why in the working world other people don't have to work as hard to make more money and have more fun. You answer will be to yourself "why did I think that my high school social life and MySpace was so important". It happens all of the time and you hear this all of the time.
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