Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Is it just me or do others find it wrong for our school to punish kid for things they do outside of

I find the myspace issue of the school punishing not only the poster who threatened a girl but also those who visited the site very disturbing. Shouldn't the law deal with the issue of a threat of phsical violance against the girl? and the school focus on education? Also how can you jusify punishment for just viewing the site. The girl herself could have gone just to see what was being said, so how if viewing a sign of guilt of anything wrong?

Is it just me or do others find it wrong for our school to punish kid for things they do outside of school?

School should get out of private affairs.

Is it just me or do others find it wrong for our school to punish kid for things they do outside of school?

I'm unfamiliar with the story, but if something deals with the safety of students then the school should step in and do something.

Is it just me or do others find it wrong for our school to punish kid for things they do outside of school?

OMG it is none of the schools buissness what you do out side of school. Its just rong. Im so sorry to hear that your schools doing that. I hope that stops. ~*Nikki*~

Is it just me or do others find it wrong for our school to punish kid for things they do outside of school?

If its on school grounds its the persons flat and should get in trouble and its part of the parents flat for not teaching the kid/s the differance of how to get out of the problem.and the parent should get into trouble also. Thats what the schools did when I was in school. times has changed but the schools and kids havent changes, and I'm 45 yrs. old.

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