i want to know how to get on myspace in school because it is blocked
How cloud i get on myspace if it is blocked?
You dont.
How cloud i get on myspace if it is blocked?
i want to know the same thing! every website on everyone else's questions i've tried and they're all blocked!
How cloud i get on myspace if it is blocked?
Ya UH school is for learning, If you have a learning experience on UH my Space you are the first.
How cloud i get on myspace if it is blocked?
try and use a prox site to get around it.
try www.proxify.com
How cloud i get on myspace if it is blocked?
If your school has blocked that domain there is no way to go to that site, So you'll just have to do the school work that your there to do.
How cloud i get on myspace if it is blocked?
You have to access it from your home. Or you can change to another blog website that is not blocked by your school IT department.
How cloud i get on myspace if it is blocked?
Simple: You don't. They don't want you on myspace...that's for your personal time, not the time that you are in school. Why even bother going if you're going to sit around on myspace all day, not learning anything? Yeah, that'll get you far...
Oh yeah, and your actions can be logged on the main server at your school. So...going to this and that website can and will show up under your ID logon number/name. Which they can later review, and if they desire, take whatever action they want to deal with you for breaking the rules. When you go to websites...you leave footprints. Cookies, url histories, temporary internet files, and temporary files that remain on the computer even after your delete the temporary internet files in Internet Explorer. So...your best bet would just be to not do so at all, unless you want to get into a lot of problems.
How cloud i get on myspace if it is blocked?
www.texx.info might work for you too (it did for me for the longest, until just today)
How cloud i get on myspace if it is blocked?
Accessing unauthorized web sites with web proxies is a violation of school computer usage policy. You can get suspended and/or banned from using school computers. Use school computers for school work and myspace will be there when you get home. Do you really want your teachers and school administrators knowing what you are posting on myspace anyway?
How cloud i get on myspace if it is blocked?
You need a proxy site that is not blocked yet such as http://www.cantblock.us or http://www.blockednomore.com which are still brand new and not blocked anywhere.
How cloud i get on myspace if it is blocked?
Try these:
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