Saturday, November 28, 2009

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get ar

pleaseeeeeeee help

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

Try using a free internet proxy to avoid the filter. Some proxies may also be blocked, so try a few until you find one that isn't listed. This list may be useful (and may itself be blocked at school):

For instance, go to and in the text box near the bottom of the page type in "". Off you go, but slowly. I'm afraid free proxies are likely to be slow.

Some other to try:

Otherwise, if you know the particular filter software being used you might be able to disable it. Do a google search on "disable filter [FILTER NAME]".

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?


Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

i think your life needs to revolve around real people and things instead of a web site

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

not possible unless you know how to hack a computer

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

Sorry sweetie, you'll have to wait until you go home

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

yeah, but i don't know how to. sorry kids at my school get around it.

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

please help? u must be kidding, get some school work done

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

i dont think so. shouldnt you be doing your school work anyways and go on myspace at home?

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

try..., uumm... i cant think of the others.. those work at my school

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

I know you don't want to hear this, but you shouldn't even try because that is against the acceptable use policy at your school. They have sites blocked for a reason and trying to bypass their security is called hacking and will get you banned from using any of their their computers and probably even suspended or expelled. They track everything you do and you will get caught. Not being able to use the computers at all would suck way worse than just using them to view allowed sites - wouldn't it?

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

ive asked that same question once no one helps sorry im at school to sux

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

Maybe it's blocked at school for a reason...

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

NO, now get back to learning something useful.

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

no, and school is a place for learning, not myspace. you need to focus on that and wait until you get home to go on the computer.

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

Nope. Our tax money is being spent for you to get an education, not waster school time on Myspace. Sorry. Learn now while you can.

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

i would wait until i got home if i were you; you could get in a lot of trouble if the school doesnt allow myspace on the computers.

plus, its almost the weekend, so you can go on myspace all you want then.

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

I could tell you but that would break school protocol.

your best bet its to wait to get home.

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

wish i could sweetchick

but can't my school don't block myspace so yeah.

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?


Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

Since you are on the school's network they can block pages likt Myspace, Youtude and so on. The only way too get past the block is too hack though the network and confuse the server. BUT, I'm will everyone well wait until you get home! Who would want to go threw all that trouble just to get on myspace? Use the time that you can't get on myspace to get some studying and school work done.

Im at school. is there any way to get on myspace cus that site is blocked is there any way to get around it?

Easy. Wait a few hours until school is out, then go do MySpace at home. The site will still be there!

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