Monday, November 30, 2009

Do you agree with the schools that block MySpace?

Suppose I am a local public school administrator in charge of its computer network, firewall, and security. Depending on your opinion, please do your best to convince me to either block the site or leave it unblocked.

Do you agree with the schools that block MySpace?

Students should be studying, not surfing the Internet, going to Myspace, Facebook, reading email, etc.

MySpace has a history of unleashing spyware and worms. I suggest you follow the links below to help you understand why these types of sites are blocked. I have personally had to remove key loggers, root kits, and bot net clients that were obtained during visits to MySpace. Who knows where the stolen keystrokes were being sent. Your network administrators do not want these on any of their network computers.

Myspace has no educational value.

Taxpayers see this as frivolous Internet activity which should be done at home, not at school when a student should be studying.

Do you agree with the schools that block MySpace?

I for one agree with schools blocking these types of sites from two standpoints...personal safety and IT management. It's well known that creeps and pedophiles cruise these sites looking for suseptible prey. Also, as of late, there have been multiple attacks on these sites by phishers and scammers looking to infect computers for zombie networks. An IT manager would be crazy not to block these sites unless he really wants the overtime to clean off his network.

Do you agree with the schools that block MySpace?

First, the school owns the computers, and you're the person responsible for them, so you DO have the right to make decisions about blocking certain sites, however much students may whine about those decisions.

In a school, I would say, yes, DO block sites like MySpace and Facebook because they are potential time-wasters as well as security risks. Also, block question-and-answer sites such as Yahoo's and Google's so they can't go ask for the proxy "flavor of the week." Proxies pose a security risk as well, even aside from their being used to circumvent the filter.

On the other hand, in a workplace, give employees a chance to be adults and to be responsible with the computers, and don't do any blocking unless something becomes a problem.

Do you agree with the schools that block MySpace?

schools blocking myspace is the best thing schools have done in a long time - when you are at school, you should be doing schoolwork, not screwing around on myspace

Do you agree with the schools that block MySpace?

Don't block it, its not all bad and is an efficient method of communication so it might mean that less people use their phones.

Do you agree with the schools that block MySpace?

If you sit children down in front of the computer, walk to the front of the class and teach, you are crazy to think they will actually pay attention. Deleting access to their two favorite sites (facebook and myspace) will at least eliminate two of their options.

Do you agree with the schools that block MySpace?

Students at my daughters school were on MySpace at school when they were supposed to be doing school work. Some of them had encountered people who gave them some dangerous of my daughters grades went down...and she came up with some ideas about how to get Children's Protective Services to help her get away from home, so she could live with her birth mother. It was a tool she used to plot against the rest of the family--total rebellion. If she did not have the MySpace access at school where she was not monitored, I know she would not have been able to get her ideas.

MySpace is a forum where dangerous people can easily prey on the naive high schoolers.

Subsequently, the school did finally figure out how to block MySpace, and so many students had to do their work instead of wasting all that tuition money (it's a private school).

Do you agree with the schools that block MySpace?

Yes I believe that children should focus on their school work and the computers at school are for research purposes only. Some children dont have computers at home so they consider being able to chat online at school a place to chat and make new friends overseas or in their school . While at home they can go on their own computer and use facebook. We didnt spend money on computers in the schools for the students to waste their education on chatting with friends and people they may not even know about what they did over the weekend. Some folks are saying that the students dont get enough education well here we go eliminate one part of the problem thats currently going on. School and home should be seperated. The students are there to learn not to socialize except during their breaks (lunch and other breaks) So yes block myspace.

Do you agree with the schools that block MySpace?

im a junior in high school, and I see this all the time in the one non-AP class I have. half the kids in here are failing the easiest class i have, because they are too stupid to do their work, and just go to myspace through proxies like a bunch of morons

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