Saturday, November 28, 2009

How can you get on MSN messenger/myspace/facebook/beb... through a REALLY strict school computer??? / and somemore that i cant remember dont work!



How can you get on MSN messenger/myspace/facebook/beb... through a REALLY strict school computer???

Google the web you're looking for, then click on the "cached page" link under the website. In most of the computers it works. Well it does at my school, lol. try it out.

Try not to go to those web very often. I hope you dont want students to wait for computers while you're using them for fun.

Good Luck with your study.

How can you get on MSN messenger/myspace/facebook/beb... through a REALLY strict school computer???

You can't your Behind a Strict firewall, if you try to bypass it,you can be Expelled from school, and Charged with Computer Tampering.

You should be Studying not Worrying about Myspace and Such ;)

How can you get on MSN messenger/myspace/facebook/beb... through a REALLY strict school computer???

drop out get a job and pay for your own internet. Until then try learning something. I know its a craz concept.

How can you get on MSN messenger/myspace/facebook/beb... through a REALLY strict school computer???

Circumventing Internet access control systems with web proxies to access unauthorized web sites is a violation of school computer usage policy. You will get suspended and/or banned from using school computers when you get caught. Use school computers for school work, and myspace and instant messaging can wait until you get home. Do you really want your teachers and school administrators knowing what you are posting on myspace and reading your chats anyways?

How can you get on MSN messenger/myspace/facebook/beb... through a REALLY strict school computer???

Make sure you put in the s

How can you get on MSN messenger/myspace/facebook/beb... through a REALLY strict school computer???

I know you don't want to hear this, but my advice is that you shouldn't even try because that is against the acceptable use policy at your school. They have sites blocked for safety and security reasons. They own the computers and the internet connection so they get to say how they're used.

Trying to bypass their security is considered hacking and will get you banned from using any of their computers and probably even suspended or expelled.

They can see and track everything you do so you WILL get caught. Not being able to use the computers at all would suck way worse than just using them to view allowed sites - wouldn't it?

But please go ahead and post all the proxies you can think of here so we know the new ones to block. Thanks for making it easy for us admins to keep blocking you!


How can you get on MSN messenger/myspace/facebook/beb... through a REALLY strict school computer???

This is not allowed at school. You can get into trouble

Try this

How can you get on MSN messenger/myspace/facebook/beb... through a REALLY strict school computer???

Get a password. sign in as admin. and go to the web ,use it.

try seducing someone who might have an admin password. lol.

How can you get on MSN messenger/myspace/facebook/beb... through a REALLY strict school computer???

Don't listen to these 30-year old losers posting on Yahoo! Answers because they have nothing better to do at their job.

Try using short-urls.

Just google shorturl or something and it should come up with a bunch of results.

Or try using proxies of course.

However, most of those are blocked.

I heard something about hopster or something.

you can try that also.

i dunno.

Many of the people posting don't understand that the school system works by sending out random alerts.

If you're on a restricted site at the time the alert goes off, it will flash on your screen.

A lot of the time, the tech people don't even send out these alerts, and/or do anything about them.

Unless you're looking at hardcore porn or something %26gt;.%26gt; and why would you be looking at hardcore porn at school.

I'm in computer graphics and I'm done with my work within 10 minutes of class.

I have nothing to do for the rest of the period.

So, I take use of proxies and other ways to get onto entertaining sites.

The people who make the filters are completely uninformed of the internet.

Blocking photobucket and deviantart? wtf...

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